Simplifying Your Storage Unit

After I started using my storage unit year-round, I realized that I needed to clean the place up. There were boxes everywhere, which made it really frustrating to find the things that I needed. My disorganized space also caused damage, since things got crushed and stepped on whenever I tried to find things. It took a lot of work, but I decided to take an entire weekend and simplify my space. I removed all of my belongings and then sorted, labeled, and reorganized all of my boxes. When I was finished, my space was clean, tidy, and easy to use. Read here to learn how to simplify your storage unit.

How To Get Ready For Moving Day


Whether you are moving to a new neighborhood or whether you are moving to a new city, you and your family are probably having mixed emotions. On one hand, there is the excitement of knowing there are new adventures ahead. On the other hand, it's hard to say goodbye to familiar places and people. Add the fact that you have to move your belongings, and you might be feeling a bit overwhelmed. Here are some ideas that might make your move an easier one.

Get Organized - Choose a day or two to get all of your family members to go through their personal belongings.

  • Encourage them to get rid of things that wont be going to your new home.
  • On organization day, have a specific place for things that will be given to charity and another place for things that may be sold at a yard sale.
  • And, of course have a place for trash. Tell your children that anything that is left in their rooms will be packed, and that includes old school papers that were meant to be thrown away.
  • One good idea is to give your children a sturdy box that will hold their memorabilia.
  • Also, ask your kids to set aside anything they want to keep with them, or those things will be packed, too. Does anybody in the family have a special pillow or a beloved stuffed toy or blanket? Don't forget to keep those aside.

Moving Day - One thing that will help the movers is for you to have a large chart of where you will want your furniture to be placed at the new house. Make an actual templet of your furniture out of colored construction paper and put the pieces in their designated spots. That chart will go with the movers as they travel to your new destination. That will mean that, even if you're not at your new home to receive the movers, they'll know where to place things. 

What to Expect - Don't worry about your things. The packers are trained and experienced individuals who have learned how to prepare your things for the move. Fragile decorative pieces will be protected with plenty of packing materials. If you have art work, it will probably be crated. If you're unlucky enough to have to move on a rainy day, all of your furniture will be covered so that it won't be stained. Of course, if any of your belongings are damaged, the moving company will take care of repairs or replacements.

Don't forget to take a few minutes in your home to ponder the experiences you've had there. For more information about making moves easier, contact a company like Father & Son Moving & Storage.


24 December 2015